Learn what's trending with Luvable Sweets and Fine Chocolates, the chocolate industry, and new in confectionary designs.

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The mission of Luvable Sweets and Fine Chocolates is to encourage people to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diets. Not to sound like your mother but…did you have your servings of fruit and vegetables today? Well, our Insider pages will help you.

 Industry News

Do you love chocolate? Or do you just like it a lot?

If you answered “neither,” you’re in the minority. Most people either want to get a taste of that chocolate goodness or have just finished having one. Particularly in the western world and increasingly in the eastern, it is a hugely popular ingredient or main event for desserts and even meals.

The growth of the chocolate industry over the last decade has been driven in large part by increasing awareness of the health benefits of certain types of chocolate and its growing popularity in Asian Pacific countries.

This powerful growth in demand – both locally and globally – is poorly matched against an unpredictable supply. However, chocolate consumers are considerably price-insensitive. Except in rare circumstances consumers are willing to purchase what they consider an “affordable luxury.”

It’s more than Kit Kats and Hershey Kisses.

Chocolate is one of the most popular and widely consumed products in the world, with North American countries devouring the lion’s share, followed by Europe. The variety of chocolate products available is seeming without limit, with the candy bars and cakes that we are all familiar with barely being the tip of the iceberg.

Chocolate is broadly classified by the amount of cocoa it contains. Milk chocolate accounts for more than 50% of all chocolate consumption but may contain as little as 10% cocoa. Hershey’s milk chocolate has approximately 11% cocoa, with a whole lot of milk and sugar added in. Chocolate is considered “dark” if it has more than 60% cocoa.

Health Benefits

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, which are believed to prevent or delay certain types of diseases, including cardiac disease. These perceived health benefits have been driving strong growth for products with the heavier cocoa weighting.

Instead of being something to avoid or consider a special treat, consumers are finding out that many diets and even doctors are recommending regular consumption of dark chocolate. According to Dr. Oz, dark chocolate “keeps you looking and feeling younger because it helps you control your blood pressure, avoid wrinkles, keep your skin younger and stay slimmer.” A sweet treat that you can feel good about!

Fun Facts

It takes 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of chocolate.

Each cacao tree will produce enough fruit to make about 1-3 pounds of chocolate.

In the U.S. most chocolate purchases are made at the grocery store.

Hershey’s produces the most chocolate in the United States.

The most expensive chocolate in the world is Chocopologie Chocolate Truffle.

Originally, for many years, chocolate was a beverage and not the hardened candy we eat today.

Let's Talk…Mangoes


Mangoes are sweet, juicy fruits that can be used in main dishes or as a star ingredient in desserts. Mango is a stone fruit, as it has flesh or pulp that encases a stone-like seed. Known also as drupes, these stone fruits typically have thin tender skins that can be fuzzy or smooth. The mango, its skin is smooth and when ripe can be easily bruised.

While peaches are the favorite stone fruit in the US, the mango has a lot to offer. In a serving size of ¾ cup, there are just 70 calories, but it provides 50% of your daily vitamin C, 8% of your daily vitamin A and 8% of your daily vitamin B6. Clearly, the mango is a delight for your taste buds and body.

While not typically synonymous with summer, this tropical fruit can be enjoyed in salads or in a power smoothie. However, being a confectioner, there is nothing better than using mangoes in desserts.

Below are a few our favorites.

Mini Mango Cheesecakes NO Gelatine NO Egg NO Bake Make Ahead Mini Desserts MUST TRY!